100 lat, 100 lat! (100 years, 100 years!) (2018)
Single Channel Video, Sound, 1:08:47 sec

I use the body and its processes as a medium and a catalyst to animate made or found objects. The 100 lat, 100 lat! installation was created in association with the above performance and lasted circa four weeks. The clear, biodegradable refuse sacks reference both the domestic and the bodily, and include photographic portraits of myself, my mother and my two grandmothers. Each bag, filled solely with my exhalation, was afterwards assembled in a three-tier structure, resembling a birthday cake, referring to the linage of three generations in my family.

In this work, I was interested in generating dialogue between a personal story and history, looking at the particular body as a representative of the social body. I interpreted ritual as a celebratory event that marks a specific time in the present, but also is in dialogue with the past. This work employs the breath, as a signifier of being alive, and simultaneously refers to impermanence and the passing of time.

100 lat, 100 lat! (100 years, 100 years!) 
Mixed-Media Installation: biodegradable refuse sacks, acrylic paint, photographic prints, tablecloth, clothing, Variable Installation

All content on this website is copyright of Natalia Markowska 2025